Friday, September 24, 2004

Getting old and not realizing it.

There's a new dream.

The other day I was driving up Sheffield around DePaul University. I was looking at the young fresh college students going about their school days in their typical college garbs, such as shorts, sandals, sweathirts, know, just ugly, fashionless shit. But the thing I noticed mostly was how YOUNG they all looked. They looked like high-schoolers. Is this an aspect of getting older? How come no one told me so? This should be one of those things you hear about. I mean, I would have guessed that high schoolers would always looked young, and the older I got the more distant they would seem, but I always thought they would look like high-schoolers, and that college kids would always look like college kids. Does this mean I'm going to start seeing high-schoolers and be thinking they're junior high kids?

* * * * *

Well, we just had some Blinde reps in the store and drank some Corona's and picked up some new glasses for the shop. Pretty fun day at work.