Oh Glorious Seasons!
This morning I took a picture of a beautiful struggling weed which had crept between cracks in the sidewalk pavement. It was sheathed in a layer of clear-as-crystal ice that looked like fluid in stasis, rather than truely solid. So, I took this beautiful picture with my motorola camera phone and it turned out LIKE CRAP. I was so crestfallen because seeing this graceful thing on my walk put me into such a good mood. And I knew it to be so ephemeral because it was in the direct sunlight, slowly losing it's little ice outfit and I'd been blessed to capture it at the exact moment. Alas, instead all I got was this very washed-out image that looked crude and ugly and so much so that it wasn't even worthy of posting to show how ugly it was. That's how ugly I'm talking about.
In other news...
Sunday night I went to Y Bar, which was pretty fun. Got to see some folks I don't normally get to and some folks who I haven't in a while. I took the above picture of my friend Jonathan behind the bar. It's become an abstraction, which makes me like it more. Jonathan will probably say he looks fat in it, because that's what he says about most pictures, eventhough he's really skinny. What a girl.
There's a new found object for today, as well.
In other news...

Sunday night I went to Y Bar, which was pretty fun. Got to see some folks I don't normally get to and some folks who I haven't in a while. I took the above picture of my friend Jonathan behind the bar. It's become an abstraction, which makes me like it more. Jonathan will probably say he looks fat in it, because that's what he says about most pictures, eventhough he's really skinny. What a girl.
There's a new found object for today, as well.
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