The Return of Kenya (and of Alias)
My Entire world was turned upside down last week because I'd started watching season three of the very omega-excellent Alias. If you've never watched this show, you must seek out the DVDs either from Netflix, your favorite video store, Amazon, whatever. Just go frickin' get them because they are awesome. I greedily watched several episodes while remaining invisible on AIM the first night, not wanting to be interrupted. Slowly, though, my love affair with Alias has been waning. Today I heard a song off of the Rainer Maria album A Better Version of Me and the lyrics make mention of our first esteemed national poet laureate, Walt Whitman and I was immediately reminded of a poem I once wrote in response to his own and I suddenly felt very cheap for being so in love with Alias. I mean, sure, she's flashy and fun, but how deep does she go? Does she promulgate anything beyond skin-deep beauty? I'm only through the first two discs of Season Three, but I'm seriously considering cutting it cold turkey. Perhaps the answer is moderation, but who was time these days? And what if we all die tomorrow? Will I want to be caught thinking of Alias or of Whitman? Like many relationships ending, I may take a few more episodes from her, and it will be empty and unsatisfying eventhough there will be the same sense of excitement underlying it all. I'm sure I'll even be distracted thinking of Whitman's white whiskers, of his oh-too-obvious metaphors for male genitalia while Alias 360-kicks some Covenant agent into unconsciousness. And who knows, maybe it will heighten the pleasure once I return to Whitman, as I'll be truly realizing what I've been missing, taking for granted.
Last Wednesday night, friend Dave returned to town. We went out on the town drinking and having as much fun as we did last time he was in. Actually, we went to the same exact places, not including the restaurant where we began. This time we started at the ole Pepper Lounge. Linda whipped me up a delicious Bloody-Tini, which I haven't had in quite some time. Well, after I drank that drink in a about three minutes, I knew already that I picked a hell of a time to quit sniffin' glue (10 points to anyone who can get that reference). Anyway, for those not getting the reference, I went on to get a little drunk. But we had fun.
After Pepper, we went first to Spin for $1 drinks night. Friend and bartender extraordinaire, Vasili, was there as well as a host of others. Here's a pic of me, Dave and Dave.

After Spin, we headed to Berlin (the bar, not the country). Good times. Good times. Like last time, we ran into everyone's favorite drag queen, Kenya. OK, I don't know if she's anyone's favorite, much less my own.

I did bite her butt though.

And she did let me take a picture of her urinating. So she certainly racked up some points that way.

A lot has happened since that night. I'm not quite ready to talk about it publicly, but some of you have heard bits and pieces. Soon, it will all be made public.
Last Wednesday night, friend Dave returned to town. We went out on the town drinking and having as much fun as we did last time he was in. Actually, we went to the same exact places, not including the restaurant where we began. This time we started at the ole Pepper Lounge. Linda whipped me up a delicious Bloody-Tini, which I haven't had in quite some time. Well, after I drank that drink in a about three minutes, I knew already that I picked a hell of a time to quit sniffin' glue (10 points to anyone who can get that reference). Anyway, for those not getting the reference, I went on to get a little drunk. But we had fun.
After Pepper, we went first to Spin for $1 drinks night. Friend and bartender extraordinaire, Vasili, was there as well as a host of others. Here's a pic of me, Dave and Dave.

After Spin, we headed to Berlin (the bar, not the country). Good times. Good times. Like last time, we ran into everyone's favorite drag queen, Kenya. OK, I don't know if she's anyone's favorite, much less my own.

I did bite her butt though.

And she did let me take a picture of her urinating. So she certainly racked up some points that way.

A lot has happened since that night. I'm not quite ready to talk about it publicly, but some of you have heard bits and pieces. Soon, it will all be made public.
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