Sunday, May 30, 2004

Crappy Weather and Writing

"I started something, and now I'm not too sure."

The Smith's singles album came on randomly as I started this post and I took iTunes off of random so I could listen to the whole album. Damn, rainy days and Morrissey, what could be more...right?

I've posted a review of the El Guapo show I saw at the Empty Bottle last week up on the In The Periphery Site, you should go and read it. Our esteemed editor has deemed In The Periphery above Amazon linking, so I can't make recommendations there, but I can here. Go buy these albums:

So, my art is hanging in a space downtown and Allen, the organizer of Fest Forward, informed me we'll be setting up a formal "opening" for the artists, so that is very cool. I will probably see Love Pollution three or four times before this month is over. I will post as soon as I know more information.