Tortoise at the Empty Bottle 9/29/2006
At the last minute, I was able to get into the sold-out Tortoise late show at the bottle last week.
They're up in the top 20-30 bands of mine. My respect for them grows every time I see them or they put out a new album. I don't know what it is, exactly. I just really groove on them. I'm amazed at their fluidity, their profundity, musicality. I dunno.
I'm just gonna post a bunch of pictures, because I think no matter what I say it's just best experienced.
As usual, you can go to my flickr account and see a giant set from this show.

I love their electronic xylephone soooo much.
The little LED lights illuminate with every strike of the mallets, and they slowly go out as a visual description of the resonance of the sound. It's mesmerizing. I was bummed this show because my view didn't let me look at them better.

Oh, and one of their keyboards was a little broken, but it was cute.

See how the key is popping up?
This one guy made crazy faces when he drummed. I took teens of pictures.

They're up in the top 20-30 bands of mine. My respect for them grows every time I see them or they put out a new album. I don't know what it is, exactly. I just really groove on them. I'm amazed at their fluidity, their profundity, musicality. I dunno.
I'm just gonna post a bunch of pictures, because I think no matter what I say it's just best experienced.
As usual, you can go to my flickr account and see a giant set from this show.

I love their electronic xylephone soooo much.
The little LED lights illuminate with every strike of the mallets, and they slowly go out as a visual description of the resonance of the sound. It's mesmerizing. I was bummed this show because my view didn't let me look at them better.

Oh, and one of their keyboards was a little broken, but it was cute.

See how the key is popping up?
This one guy made crazy faces when he drummed. I took teens of pictures.

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