Friday, August 20, 2004

Music Rules the School

Last Friday, I had planned on going to see Haymarket Riot at the Bottom Lounge. Haymarket's my favorite Chicago band. They rule. Their energy, technique...everything. When I went to look on, though, I read who was playing Fireside, and was intrigued. I decided to go see these bands instead. The first band was Secrets of Stylish Women, of Chicago.

I took a picture of them through a styrofoam dixie cup. They were a kind of hyperspaz electronic punk band. I wasn't thoroughly impressed with their live performance, but after a week with their 4-song demo, I've come to like them a lot. They're just a little messy live, but I suppose that could grow on one.

The second band, Princess, was a duo also from Chicago. Their website talked a little bit about contradiction, and it was very obvious from the first view that that was something in which they were very interested.

They both wore these feminine costumes, but played primarily rap music. Then, of course, to contradict the rap aspect, they'd segue off into bluegrass or just noise. Using drum machines, synthesizers, guitars, bass and thrift-store-bought objects, they'd create really cool music.

Since Farewell Society broke up, I actually considered joining this band, if they'd have me. The way they ride the line between art and music really appeals to me. I sent them an email, but it remains unanswered. :(

The third band was called Telenovela, which is Spanish for "soap opera." They were decent. Two females fronting, on bass and guitar. A cute guy drummer.

They kids from Secrets of Stylish Women danced it up during Telenovela's performance, which really heightened the experience for me. There was an energy and youthful vitality that made it lots of fun. I envied their reckless abandon and wondered if I had ever been like that.

The fourth band was called Toy Band. All of their instruments were toys. It was darn good fun. Poppy songs about Robot's, pop stars and of course relationships. Again, this band was a duo, male and female, hailing, I believe, from somewhere near Bloomington, IL.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Transformations continue on the art section of the site. It's a bit tedious, but ultimately, I think it will be a good thing.

I am currently working with my friends to open an optical shop in Wicker Park, called d/vision optical. It is, appropriately, on Division street. Isn't that clever? It's taking up a lot of my time, hence the lack of postings lately. In a month or so, when things calm down, I will be posting more regularly.

Friday, August 06, 2004


There's some new Dreams and I added a found object yesterday. Enjoy.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

a losing battle

A renewed interest in making posts. Just bloggin'. Gotta stay focused, aware, motivated.

Sunday night I went to see PAL at the Bottom Lounge. I'm still wearing my little drinking bracelet cuz it's blue and it matches my two jelly bracelets that are oh-so-eighth-grade. PAL was good. They're inspiring with their simple song structures and unabashed emotion. The sound is at once off-putting and toe-tapping. Black Helicopter could be a single, and it's about [I think] the government doing things covertly [like Black Ops]. The chorus is:
"Cuz it's here and it's now/there's a door breaking down
with your hands in the air/and you're thrown to the ground"

It's catchy and violent and disturbing.

The band after them was called the something Doyles or something. The first song featured bagpipes. This was cool.

The second song started without bagpipes and I was ready to leave.