Journey to the Lost City of Atlantis

I went on a 6-day trip to San Francisco this past November. I was traveling with my good friend Charles, who had yet to visit SF, the new home of three of our closest friends, Mike, Dawn and Kristine. He'd asked me to schedule a trip at the same time as him, and that sounded like a fun ol' reunion type thing, so I did.
Charles was finishing up a business trip in Charlotte, North Carolina on the day we were to fly out of Chicago. His flight was coming into O'hare. Somehow in the excitement of getting ready for the trip, I neglected to double-check our airport of origin in our flight to San Francisco. It was Midway. Oops.
I sent the itinerary to Charles, but he denies it. But I have the e-paper trail to prove it. But anyway, what's done is done. Here's Charles being annoyed as we wait for the shuttle bus from O'hare to Midway.

After arriving at Midway, we started our vacation as quickly as possible.

We were waiting standby. Fortunately the next available flight was the same day and not terribly late, but we were afforded the opportunity of drinking in one of the world's more "ugly" airports for a good few hours.

Once we were on our flight, relaxed, Charles fell asleep while I enjoyed a delicious Coors Light (Frontier Airlines is based out of Denver and Colorado, I believe is home to Coors) and Chuck Palahniuk's Lullaby.

After a stop in the slightly better-looking airport in Denver, we were on our way again and before we knew it, we were found ourselves floating above San Francisco.