Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Yesterday I was off work, stayed in all day, and watched the last 8 hours of the first season of the television series, 24. Then I started thinking my friend Casey wasn't calling me back cuz he was kidnapped. I am a loser.
Monday, December 27, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
Festive Winter Peeps

The last row is the best. I ate these in sections of three. Each section about a week later, until the last section was perfectly hardened. The best way to eat Marshmallow Peeps. Plus, it's best to eat them while still in season. I'm so glad they're not just for easter anymore.
Happy Holidays.
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Zeros and Ones

Since I got my new tattoo, the customary peeling of skin-scabs has commenced. What's interesting is I've actually been finding whole little zeros and ones around the house. I'm like a digital man falling apart. Soon I'll be omitting letters from my speech or whatever. I've also noticed that my tattoo sort of looks like there's a window in my leg and you can see the inside - or digital information. Kinda like the scene in The Matrix (don't remember which one) where Neo can see the Matrix for the first time. I kinda like that.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Over on my shared blog about everything with my friends (the jet set ready) I posted a list of the top 25 albums I couldn't live without. Other than that, I'm pretty dry for today.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Updates only, no mention of a date
There's a new found object where I also talk about a dream I once had as well as a book I once read.
Then there is a new dream, as well.
I'm trying not to mention it right now.
I guess that's all for now. Ummm, Seasons Greetings.
Then there is a new dream, as well.
I'm trying not to mention it right now.
I guess that's all for now. Ummm, Seasons Greetings.
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Haiku from the Bus Ride This Morning *
In the left hand: cigs
And in the right: inhaler
what's wrong with humans?
* Note to haiku enthusiasts/purists: I acknowledge this isn't a traditional Haiku in the Japanese style, as it does not reference nature, nor does it have two seemingly different subjects in the first two lines with a connecting line in the third. But what the hell. It's what I felt. Get off my back you mother fuckers.
Friday, December 17, 2004
What's really cool about my website
If you google the phrase "provocative flight attendant pictures," you'll find me.
If you're really interested, I wrote at length about my new tattoo (linked below) over on my MySpace blog. I've sorta reserved that for ramblings, so as to not scare away new visitors with too much boring-ness. You can get to my MySpace profile using the link in the nav to the left under the "Online Identity" heading. Then there should be an entry entitled "tomorrow" or something in the blog postings there. If you like it, and you're a MySpace user, you should subscribe to my blog there, so I feel wanted.
If you're really interested, I wrote at length about my new tattoo (linked below) over on my MySpace blog. I've sorta reserved that for ramblings, so as to not scare away new visitors with too much boring-ness. You can get to my MySpace profile using the link in the nav to the left under the "Online Identity" heading. Then there should be an entry entitled "tomorrow" or something in the blog postings there. If you like it, and you're a MySpace user, you should subscribe to my blog there, so I feel wanted.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Funny Cute Sexy Emo
I found a pretty funny group on MySpace today. I wasn't sure about trying to post the link directly to it, but if you go to my profile and look at my groups, it's called something like "Emo boys kissing each other and taking pictures of it." There are a LOT of pictures on in. I wonder how many people who aren't gay take pictures just to be in the list.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Boy, having someone continuously and repeatedly stab you with little needles all day is very tiring. I almost fell asleep at like 8pm last night. Racecar wanted to visit with the upstairs neighbors' dog, though, which kept me up a little later.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Updates, nothing else, Suckah
So, I had a dream yesterday morning. Check it out.
Today, I posted a new Found Object on the found object site. It's short and sweet and yet somehow cosmic.
Finally, I've added my voice to my VOICE. Feast your ears.
Today, I posted a new Found Object on the found object site. It's short and sweet and yet somehow cosmic.
Finally, I've added my voice to my VOICE. Feast your ears.
Friday, December 03, 2004
busy busy
Firstly, there is a new found object.
Also, I had a dream last night that closely relates to the new book my friends and I are discussing on our book club blog called the Hipster Book Forum (click here to just go to what I wrote.
Wednesday night I went to see friends in three bands. Jinx and Garry in Jinx Titanic (formally Super 8 Cum Shot), Chriss Piss, Jane et al in Three Dollar Bill, and Mark Frietas in The Rotten Fruits. I've known Mark the longest of all of these but this is the first time I've ever seen any of his bands play. The Lickity Split Radical Cheerleaders were also present, bringing Queer Spirit and lots of fun.
Three Dollar Bill started the night. Here's a couple pics of them. I'm particularly fond of Chris' green guitar close-up.
Next up was Jinx Titanic. Crazy String is a staple of Jinx's. Here's a nice pic of their guitarist getting stringy wit it.
And then of course, there's Gary, as always rockin' it out like he always has in previous bands such as Polymer and Notaword.
There was this kind of insane guy standing next to me during Jinx Titanic's performance. He looked kinda like a skinny, skin-head Drew Carey. Turns out, he was the lead singer of The Rotten Fruits. He'd made quite a costume change when transforming from spectator to performer.
Here's a pic of me and the singer.
He was quite the performer, telling the audience to kill itself and stuff. He was also one of those pretty ugly people who revels in their own ugliness and shows it off. Here is a pretty explicit picture of his pimply ass, which he showed off quite often.
Also, I had a dream last night that closely relates to the new book my friends and I are discussing on our book club blog called the Hipster Book Forum (click here to just go to what I wrote.
Wednesday night I went to see friends in three bands. Jinx and Garry in Jinx Titanic (formally Super 8 Cum Shot), Chriss Piss, Jane et al in Three Dollar Bill, and Mark Frietas in The Rotten Fruits. I've known Mark the longest of all of these but this is the first time I've ever seen any of his bands play. The Lickity Split Radical Cheerleaders were also present, bringing Queer Spirit and lots of fun.
Three Dollar Bill started the night. Here's a couple pics of them. I'm particularly fond of Chris' green guitar close-up.

Next up was Jinx Titanic. Crazy String is a staple of Jinx's. Here's a nice pic of their guitarist getting stringy wit it.

And then of course, there's Gary, as always rockin' it out like he always has in previous bands such as Polymer and Notaword.

There was this kind of insane guy standing next to me during Jinx Titanic's performance. He looked kinda like a skinny, skin-head Drew Carey. Turns out, he was the lead singer of The Rotten Fruits. He'd made quite a costume change when transforming from spectator to performer.

Here's a pic of me and the singer.

He was quite the performer, telling the audience to kill itself and stuff. He was also one of those pretty ugly people who revels in their own ugliness and shows it off. Here is a pretty explicit picture of his pimply ass, which he showed off quite often.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Oh Glorious Seasons!
This morning I took a picture of a beautiful struggling weed which had crept between cracks in the sidewalk pavement. It was sheathed in a layer of clear-as-crystal ice that looked like fluid in stasis, rather than truely solid. So, I took this beautiful picture with my motorola camera phone and it turned out LIKE CRAP. I was so crestfallen because seeing this graceful thing on my walk put me into such a good mood. And I knew it to be so ephemeral because it was in the direct sunlight, slowly losing it's little ice outfit and I'd been blessed to capture it at the exact moment. Alas, instead all I got was this very washed-out image that looked crude and ugly and so much so that it wasn't even worthy of posting to show how ugly it was. That's how ugly I'm talking about.
In other news...
Sunday night I went to Y Bar, which was pretty fun. Got to see some folks I don't normally get to and some folks who I haven't in a while. I took the above picture of my friend Jonathan behind the bar. It's become an abstraction, which makes me like it more. Jonathan will probably say he looks fat in it, because that's what he says about most pictures, eventhough he's really skinny. What a girl.
There's a new found object for today, as well.
In other news...

Sunday night I went to Y Bar, which was pretty fun. Got to see some folks I don't normally get to and some folks who I haven't in a while. I took the above picture of my friend Jonathan behind the bar. It's become an abstraction, which makes me like it more. Jonathan will probably say he looks fat in it, because that's what he says about most pictures, eventhough he's really skinny. What a girl.
There's a new found object for today, as well.